Cookin' Pellets news


Coming from the Craft Brewing industry, we have the same issue with hop varieties.
Weather, location etc. Mother Nature…

Perhaps that’s why some wood pellet manufacturers use /used flavoring oils, chasing consistency.

Having said that , I wood (would) think blends would be a more consistent product than single varieties.
All bags bought from same location? Same time? I know the hops would change as they aged, but I don't think the pellets should change unless they are stored in really poor conditions. Could you have gone nose blind - like at the perfume counter in a Macy's?
So are you going to continue buying them?
We’ll, here we go.

After the initial bag or two the aroma has changed in my opinion.
I’ve now used 5 bags of the Cookin pellets PM.
The smoke off the grill once smelled beautiful.
So, it seems pellet flavor or aroma varies from bag to bag.
Does this seem common ?
Just accept it and move on ?
I can’t speak to that particular brand but I have noticed the RT brand and others have an informal shelf life. Specifically, when I compare the scent of a freshly procured bag from a high turnover local store, they seem to have a richer smell than some left in my storage room for over 3 monrths. I know it seems illogical since my favorites are all 100% wood (not the Traeger “oil” pellets) but they are not as fragrant. I do remember that you should not keep your pellets for extended periods of time as they can absorb moisture (can’t remember the source), which is the opposite of the way I let let wood splits cure for my vertical stick burning smoker. You may also be correct that the manufacturer changed sources. That is why I shy away from the Wally’s World brands and similar.
I store my pellets down in the basement in the back room, nice and dark with low humidity. I then pour what I use in a 40lb capacity dogfood container, airtight and works like a charm.
All bags bought from same location? Same time? I know the hops would change as they eeaged, but I don't think the pellets should change unless they are stored in really poor conditions. Could you have gone nose blind - like at the perfume counter in a Macy's?
So are you going to continue buying them?

All bags bought from same location? Same time? I know the hops would change as they aged, but I don't think the pellets should change unless they are stored in really poor conditions. Could you have gone nose blind - like at the perfume counter in a Macy's?
So are you going to continue buying them?
All bags were bought through Amazon, Freetail being CP distributor.

Anyway, I’ll continue to buy Cookin’ pellets as they have very good customer service and support.

I do like their pellets, but thought I would ask the forum If they’ve encountered the issue I had described.
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Here’s a complete opposite situation to yours. I had to empty my hopper due to rain and stuck auger and bad igniter. I have a cardboard box full of bear mountain. It sits outside in a screened room. I’m not brave enough to dump it back into the hopper, but I use it as my handful of priming pellets and in my Amazin maze cold smoker thingy. They still smell great, but have definitely been stored improperly. I smell no loss of smoke quality.
All bags were bought through Amazon, Freetail being CP distributor.

Anyway, I’ll continue to buy Cookin’ pellets as they have very good customer service and support.

I do like their pellets, but thought I would ask the forum If they’ve encountered the issue I had described.
These are the only pellets I use and have for over a year. These give off a massive amount of smoke and the flavor IMHO has been the best to suit my and many folks Ive fed pallets.

Side note: I have purchased locally, from RT in Evans before they stopped selling them and online. I have not experienced what you have, not saying that it couldn’t happen after I open the next bag. These are my go to for everything and will probably remain…. Unless I experience what you have lol.

Please keep updating if you continue to experience what you have. I will definitely pay more attention for noticeable changes. They are a little pricey sometimes but what isn’t in today’s crazy ass world. I do store mine in a metal job box in a climate controlled room… not sure if that makes a difference or not.

Only thing I will say is occasionally I have to sift a little more than I’d care to but continue to do so for the flavor profile.

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