Well, hopefully, sending the grill to the dump made you feel better. IMHO, that wasn’t a very productive way of dealing with the problem.The sad part about my bullseye is that is wouldn't hold temps. They had me adjust the feed rate from 3.0 -25. They kept send ing me bags of pellets because I was burning through them while trying to correct it. Nothing they had me do would work. If it was on 225 it would be at 450, if it was on 350 it would be at 550. The only thing that grill knew was riot mode. It would get to 800 on riot. They all kept telling me there is nothing wrong with the grill. RIGHT! The dump is where that thing needed to be. If anyone wants it I can give you the address of the Oklahoma City dump.
OTOH, I know a couple of garbage truck drivers that have accumulated a pretty nice collection of stuff as a result of decisions like that.