Grill tools


Grill(s) owned
  1. Bull
  2. Matador
I just ordered my first pellet grill - a Bull. While I was at it, I figured I should probably get a Matador as well ... $200 was basically a rounding error once I added all the accessories to the cart :). I'm biding my time waiting for delivery by looking into some grilling tools. I currently have a 15 year old Weber gas grill, and use my wife's kitchen spatulas when grilling.

Do any of you have favorites for spatulas, tongs, tools, or other accessories for the Bull and the Matador? I have been looking at the Mercer Culinary Hell's Handle spatulas for the grill, but wondered if the wok shape required something specific given the curve. I'm also thinking about some silicon gloves to move hot things off the grill, a marinade injector, a new brush, etc.

Any input? Thanks!
Personally I have collected an very vast magnitude of grill tools over the years. My go to ones are made by Pampered Chef. I also have a turner spatula made by kitchen essentials that I use most of the time. It has a long blade vs a wide blade. This one works especially well with salmon.

For wok use I've got two I enjoy. One is a wooden one that works well for veggies, but gunks up a bit on the front edge if anything "sticky" is in the mix. The other is all stainless, 14", Metier brand. Rounded front edge is nice for the wok, and the Metier has a shovel shape on the sides of the working end that makes it very useful for tossing the product.

For spatulas I bought this set on Amazon, the ones with the plastic handle, not wood. There may be better quality products if wood handles are preferred, but this company doesn't seem capable based on feedback. However, the plastic handled ones I got are great. They feel substantial in the hand (some might say heavy, but that could imply tiresome as well, which these are not). The blades have some flex, but modest, and the large one makes a good "smash burger" because of the balance of flex and rigid. They have a tapered edge which eases slide under. The plastic bottles are pretty mehh though.

Keep in mind, a boy can never have too many toys...........
My wife used to be a Pampered Chef consultant, so we have just about every kitchen tool ever created. I do like all the PC tools, pretty good quality for what you pay.
Thanks for the input! I hadn't looked at Pampered Chef, so will check them out.
I like grill beast BBQ tools myself, they are very heavy duty and durable. Other turners and gourmet chef sets are great and while I love my German steel knives, pampered chef meat tenderizer and various hi tech and costly gadgets I use my beastly BBQ set and armor gloves all the time.

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