Recent content by DoWorkHat

  1. DoWorkHat

    Bullseye Worst pot roast ever!

    Smoke @250 for around 3 hours. Or until about 160 internal. Wrap tightly, place back until probe tender. Anywhere from 200-210 depending on the chuck roast. Fantastic for pulled beef sandwiches and tacos the next day.
  2. DoWorkHat

    Bull 13 1/2 hour cook

    That’s a fast cook.
  3. DoWorkHat

    4 probes

    FireBoard is fantastic! I’ve used them for years, when my old life include a stick burner. Still use them today.
  4. DoWorkHat

    Updated WiFi controller from RecTeq?

    No. The same reason why they can’t do OTA (over the air) controller updates.
  5. DoWorkHat

    Giveaway: Field Cast Iron Skillet #8

    Done. 😂