I currently have the Recteq Ben’s Heffer Dust and Rossarooski’s Honey Rib Rub…and 2-3 other brand rubs. I like the flavor of both the RT rubs. But, like so many of the commercial rubs I’ve tried (which is maybe 10-12), they’re heavy on the pepper. I like them but my bride doesn’t like anything peppery or spicy. So, for several years I’ve made my own…one for chicken/pork and one for beef.I am wondering how many of you use any of the RecTeq rubs or sauces. My first bottle of Screamin Pig arrived today and I’m kinda amped to give it try. Thanks in advance for your input.
For me personally, I don’t particularly care for anything too garlic forward. I use fresh garlic in so much of my cooking but really don’t want to still taste garlic an hour later. I’m the same way about the smoke in my bbq proteins. I love a good smoke ring. I do want smoke flavor. But I don’t want to burp the smoke 12 hours later. That’s over-smoked for me. I know there are many fine bbq’ers on this forum always looking for ways to add smoke to their cooks. And that’s fine. We all cook to our personal preferences and tastes.
If anyone is interested, here’s my chicken/pork rub recipe.