What temperature were you cooking at? The Recteqs seem to produce better smoke flavor at temperatures below 225F as
@RattleR said above.
As has been said on this forum countless times, smoke flavor is a subjective thing. Some like it subtle and some like it strong. Pellet grills don’t do strong smoke flavor very well; for that you need a stick or charcoal burner.
Smoke tubes/boxes can help. And, to some extent, different pellet brands produce stronger smoke flavor profiles. Like
@RattleR and others, I think LumberJack and Bear Mountain “straight woods” are good. Blends are almost always a very light smoke profile. You’ll get the strongest smoke flavor from Mesquite, Hickory and Pecan IMO. Fruit woods and blends will be very mild.
All that said, if you like a really strong smoke profile, you’d better consider getting a stick burner because a pellet grill/smoker will never get you there.