Hi, Thought this would be an interesting discussion.. I have done brisket both ways. Both ways have turned out incredible! What do you prefer and why? Thanks guys!
I heavily inject the flat out on the end. It is going to dry out sooner during cook. Works well enough that I have made burnt ends from that part of the flat or chop it up for sandwiches.
@Dunerzr I've cooked several briskets on my Rec Tec Bull. Ranging from 8-20 pounds. In all cases so far I have not injected any of them. Instead I get them to temp and wrap in butcher paper. So far all of them have came out very juicy.
Not to say I'm against injecting, I'm not. Just haven't done it yet and so far haven't been let down.
Hi, Thought this would be an interesting discussion.. I have done brisket both ways. Both ways have turned out incredible! What do you prefer and why? Thanks guys!
For me its about who I am cooking for, size of group, and how long the meat will e on the serving table.. Inject for larger and longer.. And best if I just cut it to service each person as we go.. Does that sound controlling, well it is , BUT remember , Franklin's and the best places, cut and serve... No pre cut shit, it dries out , asap