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  • Den S here, from Northern Utah
    Been smoking on a "Stick Burner" for over 15 years
    Well, I've finally grown-up to an RT-700
    No more smoking that Christmas Turkey, watching the Temp and Fire while sitting out in the Snow
    I got my 590 last Friday cooked 1 Boston butt and a chicken turned out perfect. smoked butt for 12 hours temp held steady within 1 degree of set temp with kingsford hickory pellets. Great Grill
    Hey Bobby:
    Yeah, we love our Bull
    Momma and I haven't seen the inside of any of our local BBQ Joints since its arrival
    Cooking thing to your own taste ROCKS
    Smoked a couple Pizzas tonight (Saturday) and will throw 6 racks of Babybacks on tomorrow (Sunday) late AM for an early Dinner and 5 meals for the Freezer
    Will cook a Brisket, 4 Whole Chickens and a few Pork Tenders this Labor Day Weekend

    Enjoy your Grill
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